“I believe a greater number would vote leave” hmmm ok if they do then they need a drugs test and sanity test... and a “less good deal” well the deal we have is so good that we are a laughing stock they get to fish in our waters and get to say when we can make trade deals. Gove is the little squirt you had in school who was to gobby for is own good, there will be no second referendum, if you so the wind reap the whirlwind. His logic isn't far from reality, yet going through with the Brexit deal proof enough that democracy of the Post Malone Bob Belcher shirt masses isn't always the magic remedySince the result of the first referendum it was always going to go back to the polls.

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Just get on with the Post Malone Bob Belcher shirt second referendum. "too much democracy is bad for democracy" you heard it here first folks. They got the result they wanted and absolutely don't want to give anyone a chance to change that, no matter how much better the country would be for it thinks the Brits have not voted to leave the EU because some of this dubious elite have switched sides to explain what it means to leave the EU. The Brits clearly want to exit the EU completely and permanently.

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Brits do not want a middleman between them and Europe. So, it is time for a no-deal-walkout-Brexit immediately. Every day in the Post Malone Bob Belcher shirt EU is a wasted day & adds that much of uncertainty to businesses and investors. European countries would trust UK over EU. So, UK doesn't have to worry about trade nor does it need a middleman between the UK and the European countries to organize trade and share info on security matters etc.
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