Your loss will be my gain. You've met friends every Sunday for 6 months, you each put 20quid in which goes on group expenses..drink and entertainment. You then figure you don't eat half as much pizza as the other nor drink as much and want to pay for your own stuff. Your friends agree but want you to pay 320quid, for leaving the Stan Lee marvel all avengers heroes in one shirt group. What would you say? That and the whole exit campaign was based on lies. Having second thoughts is logical. If 'Brexit'are so sure, another vote based on actual information, wouldn't change a thing, would it?

Remainders negotiating a deal with a corrupt Dictatorship was never going to end well, a 2nd referendum is not possible, the Stan Lee marvel all avengers heroes in one shirt only vote can be accepted May's deal or leave with no deal, and we all know how that will end so get on with it, A lot of the commentary following this talks about democracy. We vote in a government with sometimes only 38-40% of the vote, meaning the rest of us to have no say. Yet the Conservative Party claim they speak for the people and May will try and push through a bad deal.

The hypocrisy in the Stan Lee marvel all avengers heroes in one shirt Brexit negotiations and portrayal to the public is a disgrace, whichever side of the argument you are on. We had a referendum. Leave or stay. We voted to leave. It's only the politicians who are going against this vote & democracy didn't say that at all. He said 'may be a majority'. Also said it was in the power of a government who has said there isn't going to be one.
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