I think some of this elite must learn to obey the law of the land i.e. Brexit. I think even visiting the EU on taxpayers money is wrong. In plain words - Brexit is to have nothing to do with the EU anymore. From now on any of these elites who wish to go to Brussels, I think must finance their own trip. So many British and EU politicians desperate to stay in Europe, you'd think they don't care about democracy or the Play softball make slime watercolor shirt result which was "out", the nomination of deals or half in-half out, out with no deals thank you.

It is so disingenuous of maps to state that a confirmation referendum after the advisory referendum is somehow undemocratic. It strengthens it. You know what damaged faith in democracy? It was the outrageous lying, fearmongering, and race baiting you and your cabal of idiots perpetrated on the British people. A second referendum would give the Play softball make slime watercolor shirt people a chance to finally make an informed decision, rather than forming an opinion based on the lies plastered on the side of a bus or spewed from Boris' deceitful mouth.

The truth is they fear a small minority of zealots and think the Play softball make slime watercolor shirt result was a fluke. I’d love to know what’s “less good” than an already dismal deal? And would parliament really refuse a people’s second vote.... actually May is clinging on by a thread so could well refuse but if that what the country’s wants then why not?
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