I think really it depends on how the Niffler Santa Christmas tree sweatshirt questions were phrased as to how bad these findings really are. Raise lots of awareness of this, of all the laws and situations. They also make it so that false accusations are treated with the same criminality. Oh- and nothing about the rape of males in this report? Or can only women get raped?

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Just make it a legal requirement that we all sign a consent form before we do anything. Make it a clinical act and do away with drunken debauchery and spontaneity. Be assured, the Niffler Santa Christmas tree sweatshirt will die out, eventually. However, this can be a slippery slope. To think that there has never been a woman that lied for whatever reason is also very foolish.

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So how do you protect men from liars while making sure the Niffler Santa Christmas tree sweatshirt woman who is telling the truth get justice? As if people didn't understand this. Well, I suppose since women can't actually rape a man in the eyes of the law, people didn't understand this either.
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