At the end of The Golden Girls Ain't Nothin' But A Christmas Party sweatshirt day, no means no. Doesn't matter if you've shagged 500 men, doesn't matter if you're a prostitute, doesn't matter if you're in a relationship with them. No means no. And if they're so drunk they can't even walk, or asleep, then they can't consent. Same with someone who isn't mentally capable of giving consent.

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The jury is supposed to be formed of our peers, more like The Golden Girls Ain't Nothin' But A Christmas Party sweatshirt stupid people that don't listen to the court explained that rape means didn't give consent at the time or unable to consent or of an age that legally can't consent. Juries would be better off if they had 6 permanent professional jurors that first understand the legal process and the shall we say shenanigans of solicitors.

Buy: The Golden Girls Ain't Nothin' But A Christmas Party sweatshirt
These jurors could offer a professional opinion and cut through The Golden Girls Ain't Nothin' But A Christmas Party sweatshirt legal double talk from solicitors and aid a remaining 6 civilian jurors in coming to a verdict that is free from the influence of solicitors that would corrupt the system. The professional jurors should be held to the highest account of public scrutiny and expectations.
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