She's pathetic. What do we have here, another excuse of a news article, seeking to divide and pander to the misinformed blind opinions and stance of the Golden Retriever don't stop Retrievin shirt majority? Now, I don't know if the writer in question is right or wrong. I don't know him personally. Have no idea who Lena Dunham is either.

What I know is that if he denies it, and the Golden Retriever don't stop Retrievin shirt prosecutors dropped the charges, he might be innocent. He is not proven guilty. Which means he is not guilty, under most jurisdictions. Now, your suggestion from the tone of the article and the headlines that men are guilty of sexual assault if accused is sexist. Sexual assault and rape are no different than other crimes.

They have to be proven first, which doesn't seem to be the Golden Retriever don't stop Retrievin shirt case these days.. If it's inexcusable to defend someone against a claim which there is evidence to prove the claim is false. Surely it is inexcusable to act consider treat someone as if they are guilty until they have had a trial.
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