I will check in. The Ships Star Wars Christmas tree sweatshirt fascist police again. Do what we say or your career is over. She defended someone she thought is innocent and hasn’t been charged. If someone I consider a brother denied allegations you better believe I would defend him. Until the alleged MeToo movement but not only as wider than that start holding women account to the same standard.

they go after men it is nothing but a hypocritical self-serving out of control hate movement where some are in it for the Ships Star Wars Christmas tree sweatshirt money and which is against both men and heterosexuality and causes far more damage to society than the better which it claims to stand for...

Is this not the Ships Star Wars Christmas tree sweatshirt same disgusting creature that perved her sister and effectively got away with it? This vile creature needs locking up for that and for her lies. So it was the dominant male agenda that made her do it. Not the fact she was being ignorant and lied about insider information. Pathetic excuse and apology, and a great way to shift the blame away from herself.
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