I don't think my clients are going to pay for a cruise ship or the additional days it takes to get places by boat/train, etc. Since Ivanka's father also says that the tear gas used on women and children at the border is the "very safe tear gas" kind of tear gas, I was wondering if Ivanka and her children would be willing to test it for us? I get that the Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Target shirt contents of the emails were/are very different but if your father spent YEARS on Hillary and her stupid emails, how effing stupid do you have to be to send so much as a Christmas card email on your private server? That's just all kinds of wrong. Ivanka seemed smarter than Donald. I guess not Sorry but what you did was stupid.

Because your father used emails against Hillary during his campaign and Because you sit as his advisor in the Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Target shirt White House and should be above reproach. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Ivanka Trump really is that stupid...and as some have already mentioned, I’d love to see her in front of Congress explaining herself...what are the odds of her lasting an hour or even showing up at all? There's no flattering comparison between Hillary Clinton and Ivanka but the use of personal email for govt business by either one is unwise.

Doubt her father's followers would chant "lock her up" but that's due to hypocrisy not sound reasoning. She shouldn't be defending her actions but you have to be very stupid or uninformed to find equivalency between what she did and Clinton setting up a private server conducting top-secret government work on it and then deleting thousands of incriminating emails and then lying to Congress about the Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Target shirt nature of the emails while holding one of the top security positions in the world.
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