Slightly larger and more important occasion but my kids would do this every Sunday at mass. They loved sitting in front of the Home Malone Post Malone Christmas sweater altar and running around on the steps. Our priest didn't mind either Makes no sense, most pollution comes from industry, avoiding a few planes a year it’s a good tagline that won’t make any difference in the long run. Push for real politics that force big industries to go full green instead of taking away from your life the pleasure of traveling and discovering new countries and cultures. I applaud their efforts, but if I gave up flying I would never see my family and friends in Finland, or in England where my in-laws all live.

I would not "have a good life" if I quit flying altogether. It would be a very sad life indeed It's a conundrum though, isn't it. Flying is bad for the Home Malone Post Malone Christmas sweater environment, but it's good for people to open up their world view. I feel like the US would be a kinder, smarter country if more people traveled abroad. Can't win. Yeah, I'll just drive halfway across Europe to visit friends and family. Great idea....... said no one ever. And even if I didn't need to do that I'll still fly because I love flying.

So thanks but no thanks!!! When your families are a 30minute flight away or a 12hour ferry crossing it's always going to be the Home Malone Post Malone Christmas sweater flight option, means I can visit them without taking any annual leave from work. I don't often fly for pleasure - I can't afford to - but I do sometimes have to fly for work. Exactly how am I supposed to do my job if I can't get to the countries I need to?
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