what Ivanka did was foolish and careless and what Clinton did was criminal and reckless So sad. However, whenever a tragedy happens in India, it seems the I’ve got your nose baby Harry potter and Voldemort shirt comment sections are full of smugness and hatred from some people in Pakistan. Likewise from some Indians when something tragic happens in Pakistan... Not just limiting it to those 2 countries as so much venom in comments from British news, from some Brits against Muslims, or whoever.. Sad news is sad regardless of where it happened. Humanity people, not flipping, trivial point scoring.

I will step off my soap box now. Time for regular , comprehensive psychiatric, alcohol and drug checks on pilots, train drivers, heavy duty drivers,, senators, surgeons, air traffic controllers, strategic military rocket officers, naval first officers, and more. Before the I’ve got your nose baby Harry potter and Voldemort shirt statistics begin to mount and fingers are pointed in blames Yay!!!! About time...Nothing worse than trying to eat a decent meal and all around you are phones bleeping and ringing...Almost as bad as children running round like animals. As usual, BBC goes with a clickbait headline that completely misrepresents what's actually said in the article.

The restaurant is offering free kids meals to parents willing to check their phones at the I’ve got your nose baby Harry potter and Voldemort shirt door. Sounds like a great idea, actually. They aren't banning anything. I think its a good idea, no one communicates anymore, I've seen couples out together for a meal who literally both sit there on their phones, the only communication they had was talking to the waiter, when they had finished their meals they went back to their phones, its ridiculous! Could stay at home and not communicate with each other.
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