I’m checked out regularly and they disappear quickly when the We should get together to drink wine and bake cookies and shit shirt see my face: my hair is white and I’m in my 60’s. It mostly occurs at work and where I live in temporary accommodation. I’m not into being ‘picked up’. I like to get to know people over time and always have.

I believe that sexual exploitation, the We should get together to drink wine and bake cookies and shit shirt moves have escalated and are becoming a major problem, more so than when I was younger. I’m in Auckland City, New Zealand. There's a lot of views being bandied about on this subject but is it down to young women being oversensitive.

Could a lot be down to banter as opposed to physical contact, which would be clearly inappropriate without mutual consent? Reading a lot of different comments from young and older ladies alike, I'm inclined to feel that the We should get together to drink wine and bake cookies and shit shirt more than capable of thwarting any overzealous advances without making a drama of it.
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