Why couldn’t this Dr be a bit darker, she spends most of it being bubble from with moments of strength less focus on big sets and effects and more focus on writing and story. More weeping angles fewer space stations... Sounds like its going down The Muppet Zildjian Drums Shirt pan again. Think it’s had it’s a day now. Not watched much of this last series but wasn’t impressed.

Please, better writers, better companions less shouting and being overdramatic, it's more like a Disney childrens show with The Muppet Zildjian Drums Shirt overdone shouting. She could be better if they changed everything cos it's doing her no favors.

I love Doctor Who and she's been awesome but The Muppet Zildjian Drums Shirt writing has been a bit predictable 10 minutes into Kablam I largely had it figgered out I'm looking forward to more but the scripting needs to improve I know this is a programme primarily for a younger audience but this has been a pretty lame set of stories.
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