Really. you use the drowning polar bear image vs again to promote this? If you use less propaganda and more real info you might bring in people other than the Revenge tour canceled 62-39 Ohio State 2018 shirt hardcore lemming liberal idiotsMainstream narratives and consensus does not make the data right. Faulty models cannot predict accurately and we have been warned for a long time now. Science is never settled and should never get petrified in consensus or what we believe in.

Mother Nature rules and never sits down for a conversation with us about our ideology. Stop using electric! Unless it's generated from solar or hydro sources, as wind turbines required high maintenance from diesel, fuel oil, burning machines. We can all do more to help The Revenge tour canceled 62-39 Ohio State 2018 shirt says we need to buy less meat, milk, cheese, and butter; eat more locally sourced seasonal food and throw less of it away; drive electric cars but walk or cycle short distances; take trains and buses instead of planes use video conferencing instead of business travel; use a washing line instead of a tumble dryer; insulate homes; demand low carbon in every consumer product.

The single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact on the planet is to modify your diet to include less meat - according to recent studies. "Call a halt to space exploration for a decade or so, make new technology in the fight against Climate Change, sell that technology to other countries who are also going to need it. The Revenge tour canceled 62-39 Ohio State 2018 shirt was just told they will be spending hundreds of billions of $'s on the effects of Climate Change, and they want a man on Mars this comments section and many like it, will be very interesting for future generations, assuming the internet survives the long known about climate catastropheGovernments should make a huge effort in order to fight back climate change.
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