It depends on all of us, we are responsible for that situation. I am very sad when the environment is increasingly polluted and the earth warms up. Let people be more aware of protecting us where we live. We could utilize Giant gaseous ice chunks mined from asteroids in space which are then dropped into the ocean to reduce earth's temperature. I think it's dangerous to keep linking weather to climate change there is a huge difference if the Foo Fighters Christmas tree kids sweatshirt media keep linking the two like this all climate change deniers will do is say it doesn't exist every time its cold.

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If we start now by slowly reducing the number of politicians who don't believe in science from representing us, I'm sure we can have a solution shortly after the inevitable destruction has started. And on the charts used, sunspot activity was at a minimum. The Foo Fighters Christmas tree kids sweatshirt sun controls the climate, and it has always changed. But that does not suit the narrative. we received the highest snow on record this year and you liberals ignore that and still deceive your children that the world is getting hotter? By this statement, you might think the temperature rose in 2018 but it didn't.

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Being aware of pollution and controlling it is what we need. The Foo Fighters Christmas tree kids sweatshirt problem is our society is cash driven, and people are doing what they can afford and not doing what they need to do to preserve our planet! I have started using public transport more, I'm not buying plastic products unless I think it's necessary, I've stopped burning my trash. Actually global warming knowledge, skills everyone has, even smaller children in school understand how to go about the preventive ways.
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