Unreal. Heart goes out the May your Christmas Be Merry and Dwight sweater children's family This is shocking! unbelievable. Then he will have hundreds of thousands of pounds spent on a new identity. Hopefully, some people will impale him on some railings. while he is alive and kicking. No, it doesn't matter if he understands now. His crime was heinous enough that his punishment should last the rest of his life. Some crimes deserve a chance at rehabilitation, but not this one.

Unbelievable how can they say he's changed after all that time. You can Never come back from doing what he did. Unfortunately, it appears it’s the May your Christmas Be Merry and Dwight sweater mum who has to endure a life sentence...once again the justice system lets down the victims, this so infuriating and sadThis has nothing to do with “staying calm in stressful situations.”

The board was buying his defense that it wasn't murdered in the May your Christmas Be Merry and Dwight sweater first degree. Yet he killed three children *in separate ways* so he could experience a strangulation, a throat slitting, and bashing someone’s head in. Then he *impaled them outside on garden railings.* He did this for the experience. This was never about being quick-tempered.
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