the basic idea behind each episode has been ok. but the actual scripts feel more like fan fiction written in some teenagers bedroom and then sent to the Grim Reaper your next no one is harder on me than me shirt rather than something written for a flagship BBC show!

You can't expect good episodes if you have Steve Moffat writing them, he manages to ruin everything! And stop asking for the Grim Reaper your next no one is harder on me than me shirt, what a dreadful doctor, couldn't bear watching his seasons! My husband always watched not me never liked it but he only watched a couple of these and no more.

He said the Grim Reaper your next no one is harder on me than me shirt storylines were rubbish, and too PC, and didn't like her portrayal of Who. Not because of her being a woman, have seen her in some good drama. My kids, like me, are big Doctor Who fans, so were very disappointed with the news. They can't wait for the next series.
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