So don't blame it on the It's always better when we're together Nature Guitar shirt carnivores of this world, early man thrived on meat and maybe the human race might have been extinct if they only ate leaves and berries!! You wouldn't be here to complain!! So it’s obvious what we need to do. Eat meat! The more meat you eat, the fewer cows burping methane. If vegans really cared for the planet, they’d pitch in. Eat a burger for the earth! Try feeding them what you are supposed to... cattle, goats, sheep, donkeys, horses, etc., just like humans, are gassy when they are eating things that they shouldn't eat or are eating it in too large a quantity.

Many farmers use corn and things like that because it fattens the cattle up quickly, but it makes them very gassy and can, in the It's always better when we're together Nature Guitar shirt worst case scenario, cause bloat. Feed them grass, like they are supposed to, and you'll find that they are significantly less gassy. Cattle graze on grasslands in the UK which sequester a lot of carbon. Adding seaweed to rations fed to cattle has been proven to reduce methane production.

There is no more being produced by herbivores now than there ever was before. Dairy farming, in particular, has become much more efficient by producing more milk per cow than 50 years ago, so in those terms, there are in fact fewer cattle... With all the It's always better when we're together Nature Guitar shirt security around the Pope, are we seriously expected to believe that first a little boy, then his sister and finally their Mum could just stroll onto the stage where the Pope is sitting?
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