Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 10, 2021

Cow I'm Currently Unmedicated And Unsupervised I Know It Breaks Me Out Too Shirt

 When the elevator's running slow, you clench your teeth and curse under your breath. If you still haven't received your latte or a restaurant table, you snap at the barista or hostess and demand to know why it's taking so long. Everyone has those moments where they run short on the ability to stay calm in the face of frustration, adversity, or suffering, also known as patience. Your emotions become activated. When this happens, it's kind of a whole-body response. Our heart rate may increase. The amount of electricity coming off our skin (called skin conductance) might change. It also depends on what emotion might be occurring. Anxiety over missing your next meeting if something doesn't happen in time might be a little different from impatience that's more driven by anger. But with all these things, your physiological system is aroused and starts to enter a stress response a fight-or-flight type of arousal. Sometimes impatience helps us focus our attention and prepares us for action. But when it's a situation that you can't control or there isn't a lot you can do, changing your own emotions is the option you have basically down-regulating them and bringing yourself back to a state of calm. Another step I like to talk about is connecting your suffering, waiting, or trouble with your bigger purpose or life goals. Is there meaning in what you're going through? How can you tap into that meaning as a resource to help you cope with this negativity at the moment? We've done studies looking at the virtue of patience in psychiatric inpatients hospitalized for suicide risk or other psychiatric disorders. We found even among that population, those who were more patient were able to deal with crises more effectively. They also see a decrease in depression symptoms. It's something that even in acute instances of suffering, patience can help with a person's recovery. Practicing patience might be hard in the heat of the moment. Imagine you're dealing with your child who's having a tantrum, waiting to hear breast biopsy results, or stuck in traffic before a really important meeting you can try to use these tips at the moment. But for creating habits, what research suggests is effective is practicing these strategies during times that aren't quite as stressful, or more minor things throughout the day. Try to be patient when the elevator comes too slowly. That way, you've got some skills built up by the time you get to a more high-stakes situation. Talking about your efforts with others can be really helpful. It's better to train rather than try. Regularly practicing meditation or just being more mindful are also correlated with higher patience. You can also build your patience by increasing your emotional fluency, which is the ability to recognize and name your emotions. Emotional fluency makes it easier to reappraise situations when you're in the moment or afterward. If you change the way you think, that changes how you feel but first, you need to know what you feel. In the context of a romantic relationship or marriage, consider what it is you're building instead of just focusing on the negative instances. Fill up the positive side that motivates you to stick with your patience during struggles.

Black Cat I Am Currently Unsupervised I Know It Freaks Me Out Too Shirt

Black Cat I Drink Tea Tequila Shirt

Book I Can Read All I Want I'm Retired Vintage Shirt

Cat I Like Big Bulbs And I Can Not Lie Shirt

Getting Real Tired Babysitting My Mom's Grandkids Right Now Shirt

I Might Look Like I'm Listening To You But In My Head I'm Thinking About Getting More Dogs Shirt

If You Can't Say Anything Nice We Should Probably Be Friends Shirt

I'm A Good Person But Don't Give Me A Reason To Show My Evil Side Shirt

It Was Me I Let The Dogs Out Shirt

Official I Like Beer And My Sheep And Maybe 3 People Vintage Shirt

Rabbit I Don't Have An Attitude Problem You Have A Problem With My Attitude Shirt

Sewing Just Take It One Stitch At A Time Shirt

Weekend Forecast Softball With No Chance Of House Cleaning Or Cooking Messy Bun Shirt

My Spirit Animal Is A Grumpy Book Dragon Who Slaps Annoying Noisy People Shirt

Cow I'm Currently Unmedicated And Unsupervised I Know It Breaks Me Out Too Shirt

Did I Piss You Off That's Great At Least I'm Doing Something Right Shirt

Horse And Western 3 Barrels 2 Hearts 1 Dream American Flag Shirt

I Was Popular Once But My Therapist Took All My Imaginary Friends Away Shirt

Ik Ben Ik Doe Wat Ik Wil Wanneer Ik Wil Waar Ik Wil Maar Aarst Even Shirt

Official Big Men Are The Best Real Life Teddy Bears Shirt

Official In September We Wear Teal Spread The Hope Find The Cure Ovarian Cancer Awareness Shirt

Some Men Say I Fish Like A Girl I Say If They Tried Love Fishing Shirt

Some Say I Don't Play Well With Others I Say It Depends On Who It Is Shirt

Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 10, 2021

Being A Great Grandma Doesn't Make Me Old It Makes Me Blessed Shirt

 Here's another mainstay of the Mediterranean kitchen-rich, creamy Greek yogurt. If you haven't tried it, do it's made by straining the whey and other liquids from regular yogurt and has a solid consistency. You'll want to buy it plain, which eliminates extra sugars and gives you a platform for the many sweet fruits, crunchy nuts, and grains you may add. Greeks are also quite proud of the many varieties of golden honey they produce and enjoy a drizzle on their yogurt or fresh fruit. Not too much. While you're in the dairy aisle, pick up some large whole chunks of feta. There's no skimpy sprinkle of feta on true Greek salads in the islands. Instead, chunks of cucumber and ripe tomatoes, joined by some sliced red onion and bell peppers, are topped with a slab of feta before being doused with olive oil and vinegar. Make sure to add balsamic vinegar to your list. The tangy sweetness is great on salads, veggies, and fruits. Add garlic, white, yellow, and red onions, spring onions, shallots, and leeks to your list, along with fresh herbs. Think chives, basil, bay leaves, cilantro, mint, parsley, oregano, rosemary, dill, fennel, marjoram, sage, savory, tarragon, and thyme. They add flavor and a beautiful garnish that makes a dish pop. Many Mediterranean dishes incorporate whole grains, often sporting names that have been around for centuries. Ancient grains such as farro, Kamut, teff, wheatberries, barley, bulgur, couscous, polenta, quinoa, and freekeh are often used to stuff vegetables, add fiber to salads and thicken soups. Many can be made ahead and frozen in small batches to pull out and add to a recipe, or as the basis of a tummy-warming breakfast. Because the Mediterranean style of eating is heavily plant-based, legumes become a key way to add healthy protein. You can buy canned or dried, and because they last so long in the pantry you can easily stock up when they are on sale. What may be the most fun about the Mediterranean manner of eating? Experiment with all the spice blends that have originated from the region. Take the Moroccan spice mix chermoula, which can be used as a marinade, seasoning rub, side sauce, or condiment. The spicy dry rub is made of allspice, cayenne, chili powder, cinnamon, coriander, cumin, ginger, paprika, and turmeric. Add olive oil and lemon juice to turn it into a paste for marinades. Add more to turn it into a vinaigrette for veggies or salads.

If Don't Like Me I'm Cool With That Just Don't Pretend That You Do Shirt

 A call from a local stonemasonry firm alerted a team of animal experts to a stowaway snake that arrived in a shipping container from India, South Essex Wildlife Hospital explained in a series of posts on Twitter. "As it was identified as a saw-scaled viper and having had one before we understood fully the gravity of just how dangerous these reptiles are, they are way up there in the top few most deadly snakes," the hospital wrote. Reaching up to three feet in length, the snakes are considered very dangerous, due to their irritable and aggressive nature and lethal venom. In the regions where they are found, it is believed that the creatures are responsible for more human deaths than all other snake species combined. When agitated, saw-scaled vipers move slowly, with the body looped into S-shaped folds, rubbing their scales together to make a hissing sound. Hospital founder Sue Schwar told CNN that the people who found the snake were "very lucky" not to have been killed. Although the authorities were called, no one responded, leaving the hospital to send reptile experts to collect "the very agitated and aggressive animal before someone was likely killed," the South Essex Wildlife Hospital said. The team managed to get the animal into a locked box, and sealed the room it was in with tape and warning signs as they waited for it to be collected by an appropriate facility, they said. "We are glad not to have to deal with venomous creatures too often but feel sad for the snake that we can't give it is freedom and get it back home," the wildlife hospital added.

Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 10, 2021

I Say What Needs To Be Said Not What You Want To Hear Shirt

 You can't really walk at higher intensities because of the nature of the exercise; therefore, you end up in more moderate- to low-intensity zones, where you tend to burn more fat. The existence of a "fat-burning zone," where you only burn belly fat, is mostly a fallacy, but there is some truth to being able to leverage your heart rate to get your body to preferentially burn fat for fuel. When you're walking at a lighter intensity with your heart rate in the 57% to 63% range, you are more likely to be using fat for fuel. Because you are walking more slowly, with a slower heart rate, you will be expending less caloric energy but the calories you are burning will conceivably be coming from fat. Most of us learned the art of walking as toddlers, but many of us developed bad habits as we aged that impact our gait. Take the advice in the video above to ensure you are using good walking posture, back-and-forth arm swing, and evenly distributing your weight. Like any other form of exercise, walking in bad form can lead to chronic pain and even injury. Whether your goal is fat loss, increased fitness or simply enhancing your overall health and wellness, walking offers all these benefits and more. Keeping with our example of a 48-year-old person, a moderate-intensity heart rate would be between about 110 and 131 beats per minute. During this type of exercise, you will feel your breathing rate increase but should still be able to speak in complete sentences. To get the most calorie-burning benefits, then, it would seem that walking at a consistently brisk pace that keeps your heart pumping would make the most sense.

Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 10, 2021

Never Apologize For Your Black Thoughts Your Black Loyalties Shirt

 The question for aspirin and all medications is whether the benefits outweigh the risks. There isn't a single, one-size-fits-all answer. There are clearly some individuals who are at high risk for having a heart attack and stroke. For these people, specifically people with prior heart attacks or strokes, aspirin use continues to be recommended. There are others who may be at increased risk, for instance, people with hypertension, diabetes, and other factors that predispose them to cardiovascular disease. On a case-by-case basis, aspirin may still be recommended, depending on someone's age and other circumstances. Then there are some people on the opposite end of the spectrum, who may have bleeding disorders and probably should not be taking aspirin. I think what the task force is trying to say is that people shouldn't assume they need to be on aspirin. There needs to be a careful weighing of risks and benefits. Second, the authors of the draft guidelines specifically say that people shouldn't stop their aspirin if they are already taking them. There could be risks associated with suddenly stopping any medications, including aspirin. Most importantly, make sure your doctor is aware that you're taking aspirin. I've found that because aspirin is an over-the-counter medication, patients often don't mention they are taking it unless they are specifically asked. Please make sure your doctor knows you're taking aspirin, and any other nonprescription medication or dietary and herbal supplement. If your doctor is the one who recommended aspirin to you, you could still have a conversation. Make sure you understand why it is that you're taking it. Discussing the risks and benefits of every medication is always a good idea, as is ongoing reevaluation. Just because something was recommended to you before doesn't mean that it's always going to be right, especially as your medical circumstances and clinical guidelines change. Talk to your doctor before starting aspirin. I've found that many people start taking aspirin because they think it's the thing to do once they turn a certain age. That's not the case, and I think that's the most important takeaway from the guideline change. Aspirin is a medication like other medications. The risks and benefits need to be carefully considered and weighed, together with your medical provider.

Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 10, 2021

Dear Santa I Tried To Be Good But I Guess I Take After My Grandpa Christmas Shirt

 It's one of the many skills that I want her to know in case she ever finds herself stranded in a parking lot just like her father at that very moment. I also wanted to get her familiar with a car engine, even though to me it mostly looks like metal spaghetti. Parents know there is a whole host of life skills that our children need to learn, but my reasons date back to my childhood. My father taught me how to do laundry, but no one talked about mental health -- we covered up our issues with bro talk and the firm belief that real men don't cry. Do your children know how to help maintain the family vehicle? It's an important skill they should know by the time they are adults, says Shannon Carpenter. Car repair, finances, cooking, and mental health: There are so many skills we need to teach that it can often seem overwhelming. Which ones can they learn on their own? How much do we teach versus standing back and letting them learn from the experience? I've continued these life skill lessons with my three children over the years and I don't split the chores by gender. A smart person once told me that "dishes don't care about gender," and I make it a point to give my sons not just my daughter the fundamentals they'll need as independent adults. Don't fear if you didn't start early with your children. I've found the middle school years are a perfect time to teach many of them. Here's how I do it. I started my kids on household chores young because I refuse to send any of them into the world without being able to provide the most basic care for themselves. We started small such as teaching them how to crack an egg or load the washing machine. We made a game of it and let it get messy. With these small exposures, the kids were able to eventually get comfortable with the chore, gain competence and then finally achieve confidence. We do this by giving them clear expectations and then stepping away after we have taught them. This allows our kids to take ownership of the task, and Lahey notes that they learn to solve problems and deal with failure. Yes, we have had some magnificent disasters in this house we all remember the great lemon tart disaster of 2018 and the banshee wail of the smoke alarms. Each one was a moment where we could come together as a family, figure out the solution and deal with the consequences. One of my biggest moments of pride was when my eighth-grade son taught his older cousin him how to grill the perfect All-American brat. As a father, I'll admit, I teared up a bit as he double-clicked the tongs.

Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 10, 2021

My Broom Broke So Now I Go Pontooning Witch Girl Shirt

 This unusual duo was discovered 6,500 light-years away, near the center of our Milky Way galaxy. The pairing is unexpected because this gas giant exoplanet with a mass similar to Jupiter's is orbiting a white dwarf. A white dwarf is what remains after a sun-like star swells up to a red giant during the star's evolution. Red giants burn through their hydrogen fuel and expand, consuming any planets near their path. After the star loses its atmosphere, all that remains is the collapsed core of the white dwarf. This remnant, usually about the size of Earth, continues to cool for billions of years. Finding an intact planet orbiting a white dwarf raises questions about how it survived the star's evolution into a white dwarf. By observing the system, researchers were able to determine that the planet and star formed around the same time, and the planet survived the star's death. The planet is about 2.8 AU from the star. An AU, or astronomical unit, is the distance between Earth and the sun, or 92 million miles (148 million kilometers). Previously, scientists believed gas giant planets needed to be much further away to survive a sun-like star's death. This evidence confirms that planets orbiting at a large enough distance can continue to exist after their star's death," said Joshua Blackman, lead study author and astronomy postdoctoral researcher at the University of Tasmania in Australia, in a statement. "Given that this system is an analog to our own solar system, it suggests that Jupiter and Saturn might survive the Sun's red giant phase when it runs out of nuclear fuel and self-destructs. The Jupiter-like planet was previously discovered through a technique called microlensing, which is used to detect cold planets that are distant from their stars. This same technique can be used to find small, faint white dwarfs. Microlensing happens when a star in close proximity to Earth briefly aligns with a more distant star. The closer star's gravity acts like a magnifying lens and increases the light from the more distant star. There should also be smaller mass planets orbiting white dwarfs," Bennett wrote in an email. "Our microlensing surveys detect similar numbers of Jupiters and Neptunes, but we are more sensitive to Jupiters. So, we've found that Neptune mass planets are about 10 times more common than Jupiters in these wider orbits that will survive the end stages of stellar evolution. We expect that we will find planets of a range of masses orbiting white dwarfs.

Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 10, 2021

Proud Mom Of A 2022 Senior I'm Not Crying You're Crying Flower Shirt

 The day before I was diagnosed with stage-four lung cancer, I had cycled 50 miles," LaPorte said. "I was having difficulty running but I could still get on my bike. So you wouldn't look at me and really know that I was in advanced terminal lung cancer. My prognosis was three to six months when I was diagnosed." She said that physicians found cancer had spread throughout her spine, liver, and left eye. Now retired from nursing, LaPorte has been in treatment for 13 months. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, LaPorte's experience of having trouble accessing routine care has become commonplace. Nationwide, there have been declines in cancer screenings as well as barriers to accessing treatment and physicians now worry that delays have led to patients arriving at their offices with advanced cancer. Now, as mammography rates are beginning to increase, many women are playing catch-up to get these vital health screenings done, which leads to another potential issue a drastic increase in workload for radiologists," Hicks wrote. "No doubt about it, we have unfortunately seen some advanced cases this year in the communities that we serve, likely due to women postponing screening." Doctors also worry that these delays in screening and care can have larger impacts on communities of color, exacerbating troubling disparities in health care that have long existed before the pandemic. We're concerned that disparities are growing, but we definitely still need time to understand the full impact of the pandemic since we're still living through it. It just takes time to get all the data, but I think what we can say is that the impact is two-fold," Dr. Laura Makaroff, the senior vice president for prevention and early detection at the American Cancer Society, told CNN on Tuesday. Number one, we definitely saw a steep decline in cancer screening at the beginning of the pandemic way back in Spring 2020, as health systems needed to adjust and not do elective procedures, including cancer screening, to attend to the acute needs of patients with Covid. Now, there's a backlog that created," Makaroff said. The second part of it is that, in addition to access to care in terms of where our health systems are and how cancer screening can be accomplished, is the impact of health insurance and employment," she said. "Communities and populations that face additional barriers to cancer screening, which includes health insurance and financial means to pay for screening, have also been impacted by unemployment and loss of employer-sponsored insurance due to the pandemic. Data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that Black and Hispanic people are at least twice as likely to die of Covid-19 as non-Hispanic White people and nearly three times more likely to be hospitalized. Both Black and Hispanic people are more likely than White people to be infected with Covid-19, too. Similar disparities exist for some types of cancer too as well as their risk factors.

Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 10, 2021

Don't Wait Until You're On Your Deathbed To Tell People How You Feel Shirt

 What makes "nudges" different from laws, rules and overt manipulation is that people always have a choice they can decide to do or not do the suggested behavior. All this may sound abstract, but there are distinct ways we can harness the power of the nudge to encourage those we love to adopt healthier behaviors. We can even use it on ourselves. All sorts of persuasion tools are nudges. If I change the layout of a cafeteria to put healthy food up front, that's a nudge. When I say to you, "Oh I've reserved a vaccine for you," and then you want it and go get one, that's a nudge. I haven't changed the economic calculus of this decision in any way, but you feel like that does belong to you, and you certainly don't want someone else to get your vaccine, so you act. When you emphasize actions the majority of people are taking, that's a nudge. People are eager to follow social norms. They don't want to be left out. Once you recognize how these "nudges" work, they can become helpful tools for changing people's behavior for the better -- whether it's your spouse or your neighbors or your employees or your customers. Default settings are a fairly blunt instrument or nudge, that turns out to have a huge impact. In the case of auto-enrollment for retirement savings, a classic study shows that auto-enrolling people in a 401k plan but letting them opt out can produce nearly a 40% boost in enrollment rates. But for the most part, which nudges to use depends on the behavior you're hoping to change: Why isn't this person interested in getting a flu shot? Why isn't this person interested in recycling? Why doesn't this person want to sign up for the gym? Why won't your spouse cook dinner each of these behaviors in a positive direction works best when you match your problem and solution? For example, if someone is just forgetting to recycle, then good old-fashioned reminders work well. People generally underestimate how forgetful they are. They say, "Of course I'm not going to forget that it's important to me!" And then oops, life is busy, and they do. So as mundane as they are, reminders are highly effective in many situations, such as nudging medication adherence, boosting savings, and even encouraging vaccinations.

Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 10, 2021

You Know You're Really Stressed When You Start Getting On Your Own Nerves Shirt

 At Children's Hospital Colorado, they too saw "significantly" more MIS-C cases in September, compared to previous months, according to Dr. Sam Dominguez, a pediatric disease expert at the hospital. But he said they aren't seeing the same rates as they were seeing in December 2020 and January 2021. Children's Healthcare of Atlanta also noted an increase in MIS-C cases in late September, about nine weeks after the area saw a spike in cases. During the past four weeks, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta has treated 58 children with nearly 20% of all the MIS-C cases they've treated so far but Jennifer Burkhardt, a spokesperson for the hospital, said that MIS-C is still considered rare. It has occurred in less than 5% of the almost 7,400 children they've treated for Covid-19. Burkhardt said to prevent MIS-C and Covid-19, the hospital strongly recommends that everyone who is eligible get the vaccine.  Edwards at UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital in Cleveland said a lot of the kids they treat for had mild or even asymptomatic coronavirus infections first. She said that's something for parents to keep in mind. Even if you're not sure whether your kid had Covid if they had mild symptoms after being exposed to somebody, but then they got better, and then about a month later, they seem to be getting sick again, especially if they have a very high fever, I would err on the side of having them checked out sooner rather than later, Edwards said. What we know about MIS-C is the earlier you intervene, the less sick the kids seem to get. Doctors don't know for sure what causes MIS-C. Often kids have Covid-19 first, but not always. For those few kids that do go on to develop, the condition seems to inflame different parts of the body, and it can be serious.

Just Remember When I Say Have A Nice Day The Bitch Is Silent Shirt

 Trick-or-treating can be pretty safe from a coronavirus standpoint. Many families in my neighborhood will be placing packets of treats in their yards for kids to find, like a scavenger hunt. My son and a couple of friends will be walking around together, with everyone's parents, of course, and this activity is very safe. There are a lot of people who want to return to pre-pandemic days and greet the kids as they say "trick or treat." If it's not raining or snowing, I'd encourage them to set up outdoors. It's better to put wrapped candies in a kid's basket than for kids to be reaching into a large bowl. If the kids do end up touching each other's hands or other commonly used surfaces like doorknobs, make sure to have hand sanitizer available. If you live in an area with individual houses or townhomes, I think it's probably also low risk to knock on people's doors and trick or treat. Just make sure not to step inside someone's house. If you live around a lot of apartment blocks and have to enter elevators and hallways to trick or treat, the Covid-19 risk is significantly higher. I'd encourage parents not to enter other people's apartment buildings, and instead, look for activities in a neighboring park or other primarily outdoor settings. Just as there will be some families that are willing to take on some of these risks, there are other families that want to take additional precautions. Some families have younger children who are not yet vaccinated. They could be living with elderly relatives who are immunocompromised. For people in such circumstances, it may be reasonable to avoid higher-risk indoor activities to protect others in the household.

Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 10, 2021

Mom Grandma Great Grandma I Just Keep Getting Better Shirt

 When people can't scroll and post as they usually do, Kerner said they can become bored and vulnerable to difficult emotions and stressors -- sometimes without knowing how to cope with them. "People find that they are alone with their own thoughts. And they're a little bit of a stranger to themselves in a way. Prior to social media, I think we were much better at being on our own, finding ways to engage ourselves, and remain curious," Kerner added. Once people realized, 'oh, these networks are almost all down,' there was this bizarre, but very clear sense of relief. The feeling was 'I don't have anything I have to keep up with. I'm not missing out on anything,'" Duffy told CNN. During the outage, "people realized in real-time the importance of face-to-face relationships, and the relative emptiness of a connection that takes place solely via Facebook or Instagram," he added. Clients that expressed relief during the outage took concrete steps to connect with others in real life, Duffy said. "One took a friend out for coffee. Another took a walk with a friend," he said. Some have come away from the experience with the realization that their fear of missing out was unjustified, and they could approach the apps with more moderation. "I think some of us realized yesterday, 'I'm way over-involved and invested in social media in my life," Duffy said. People realized that "maybe I can check this once or twice a day instead of 20 or 30 times a day. But if some of us felt relieved when social networking apps went quiet for a while, why is it difficult to stop checking our feeds so frequently? Dr. Anna Lembke, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University, and the Medical Director of Addiction Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine looked at the brain for answers. All the experts CNN connected with emphasized how social networking tools have many positive effects on society, allowing people to stay connected to distant loved ones and helping them fare better emotionally during a long, exhausting, isolating pandemic.

Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 10, 2021

I Don't Regret Burning My Bridges I Regret That Some People Weren't On Those Bridges When I Burnt Them Shirt

 The Draconids are optimal for early birds, because, unlike other showers that peak after midnight, this one becomes visible at nightfall, as soon as the sky turns dark. This will also be one of the last meteor displays before colder weather comes in late October and November. Don't bother using a telescope, because it would limit your view of the sky. The naked eye is the best instrument to track these shooting stars. The meteor shower will be sporadic, so grab a lawn chair and plan on sitting outside for a while. For the best view, try to find a spot without as much light pollution. The waxing crescent moon, just a sliver in the sky, won't obscure the meteor shower this year. Getting to a higher elevation and facing north can help increase visibility as well. Looking up at the sky on Friday, you may see more satellites than meteors (the latter travel much faster), but Lunsford said it's the perfect opportunity to practice identifying constellations. The shower's radiant point, where meteors appear to emerge, is at the head of the constellation Draco the Dragon, which the shower is named after. But meteors can show up anywhere in the sky. People in the northern hemisphere will have a better view of this meteor shower. The dragon isn't always sleepy. Draconids are classified as variable showers, Lunsford said. While other showers are consistent from year to year, variable showers can produce thousands of meteors one year or only a handful the next.

Camping A Girl Her Dog And Her Camper It's A Beautiful Thing Shirt

 The Draconids are optimal for early birds, because, unlike other showers that peak after midnight, this one becomes visible at nightfall, as soon as the sky turns dark. This will also be one of the last meteor displays before colder weather comes in late October and November. Don't bother using a telescope, because it would limit your view of the sky. The naked eye is the best instrument to track these shooting stars. The meteor shower will be sporadic, so grab a lawn chair and plan on sitting outside for a while. For the best view, try to find a spot without as much light pollution. The waxing crescent moon, just a sliver in the sky, won't obscure the meteor shower this year. Getting to a higher elevation and facing north can help increase visibility as well. Looking up at the sky on Friday, you may see more satellites than meteors (the latter travel much faster), but Lunsford said it's the perfect opportunity to practice identifying constellations. The shower's radiant point, where meteors appear to emerge, is at the head of the constellation Draco the Dragon, which the shower is named after. But meteors can show up anywhere in the sky. People in the northern hemisphere will have a better view of this meteor shower. The dragon isn't always sleepy. Draconids are classified as variable showers, Lunsford said. While other showers are consistent from year to year, variable showers can produce thousands of meteors one year or only a handful the next.

Top Official Night Night In Steph We Trust Never In Doubt Shirt

  was in office? Readers and viewers were reminded on a regular basis that Trump had lied about this or that. We kept track of the  Official...