Someone cut you off as you drove to work. Your boss passed over you for the latest promotion. A close relative with young children refuses to get a Covid-19 vaccine. Nearly everyone has encountered a situation that left them simmering in anger. To get rid of the fiery feeling, people will often vent to someone, but that's not necessarily the best path, said Brad Bushman, professor of communications at The Ohio State University in Columbus. "You know, rather than venting anger or stuffing it inside, turning down the heat is the best approach," Bushman told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta in his podcast, Chasing Life. Anger is an emotional response to a "real or imagined threat or provocation," he said. It ranges from mild irritation to blind rage and, when not addressed properly, can lead to health problems like cardiovascular disease, he added. When the emotion triggers us, it also evokes your fight-or-flight response, said Ryan Martin, associate dean, and professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. When people become angry, it spikes their physiological arousal, like heart rate and blood pressure, Bushman said. To lower your arousal, he suggested people take in a deep breath of fresh air and count to 10. As time passes, arousal decreases, so the longer you count the more time your body has to relax. After feeling angry, Bushman said he meditates and practices yoga to unwind. Some other relaxing activities include listening to soothing music or taking a bath. It's a maladaptive expression style that is associated with long-term problems with anger control, he explained. This can reinforce that behavior, so when you become angry in the future, you're inclined to get physical again, he added. A prison that had a common practice of letting prisoners hit a punching bag when they got angry called Bushman to ask whether this was a good idea. He said it was a "horrible" idea and to get rid of it. "Our own research has shown pretty conclusively that hitting a punching bag increases the likelihood that you will aggress against real people, including innocent bystanders," Bushman said. Physical exercise like running, which gets your heart pumping, is also a bad idea, he added. With your heart rate elevated, your arousal levels remain high, which is the opposite of what you want to happen when you're trying to control your anger.
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