What religion was that right-wing nutter that murdered a defenseless left wing, it's a good job Christianity isn't blamed for every crime white people commit. Subject these Dallas Cowboys 2018 NFC East Division Champions Reppin' The East shirt to their own sharia law, instead of our own pathetic sentences - that would soon stop them So another Muslim attacking us on New Year eve yet no mention of Islam, keep hiding with your PC bullshit you have blood on your hands.

The Dallas Cowboys 2018 NFC East Division Champions Reppin' The East shirt when the public will hold you accountable for treasonThere is no desire in any part of the Muslim community to track and hunt down their own extremists before they commit. You’ve all had ample chances and you still won’t admit Islam is a real problem.

The people of the Dallas Cowboys 2018 NFC East Division Champions Reppin' The East shirt are sick to the stomach of it. Deal with your problem people or I’m sure revolution in the UK will soon enough. My thoughts are with these 3 victims of this extremist lunatic. It must have been terrifying. All you racist idiots do nothing to make the situation better and have not even spared a thought for them.
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