Greece, on the Trump All in all he's just another prick with no wall shirt, I can understand a little more, at least they tried. Our governments just need to quit giving money away and help the ones who need it in their own country first. The subsidy, most don' t believe its existence but it does, a city underground where life is hard, the flavor of life the sheltered never know!

Before you blame the Trump All in all he's just another prick with no wall shirt or immigrants who by a large majority came here, work hard and contribute way more to society than British citizens, consider this: The Tory government has created austerity dogma, rolled out universal credit, and constantly give tax cuts to their millionaire donors in order to stay in power.

It is age-old scape-goating tactic taken from the rule-book of any far-right dictatorship: Divide and conquer through the use of mass media. Blame the underprivileged, keep the rich richer, the poor poorer. I don't understand how this made sense to the Trump All in all he's just another prick with no wall shirt.
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