As for our, she should step down. She talks a good game, tells lots of porkies and actually has done very little. Every public service is at breaking point and this country deserves better than her and Corbyn. I voted leave but the deal may have put forward is a disaster for both leave and remain we need someone who gets our country a better deal and someone to stand up to because in this deal it feels like the Tinker Bell rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt have decided this deal and may have rolled over like a little puppy why can’t the deal be renegotiated I’ll tell you why because it’s a good deal.

The bad deal for us they were never going to give us a good deal after we voted to leave Let's just vote to get rid of all of them, Brexit has just proved how clueless all these clowns are. Couldn't trust any of them to arrange for the Tinker Bell rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt last one out to turn the lights off. Selfish politicians, having already made a total mess of Brexit, still working overtime to put their petty political ambitions, ahead of the country’s future!

I’d love a Labour Government but it would have to campaign on the single ticket of leave with No Deal if a better one is not forthcoming and as the Tinker Bell rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt bully boys at EU have already said its this deal or no deal then I’m for no deal regardless of the short-term consequences you don’t become an unsuccessful trading nation overnight just because there’s a little more work required you knuckle down and work thru it and if some nations don’t want to carry on you develop new markets that may be more lucrative in the long run. What the EU fails to realise is that some of the biggest employers in the EU will also lose out if they fail to sort out a reciprocal trade agreement quickly.
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