Seeing as the Theresa May’king Spirits Bright Christmas sweater majority of the meat and dairy I eat is bred, milked or slaughtered within around 300 miles length and breadth of Scotland that leaves a smaller footprint than someone eating a diet based on fruit and veg such as avocados grown in Mexico and Australia.

Start trying to grow some of your own food people. I have an allotment that supply's me with my veg needs for 10 months. The Theresa May’king Spirits Bright Christmas sweater surplus goes to friends and family when I have a glut that I can't freeze. Every little helps and it helps you keep fit.

Interesting that they don't have any figures for soy, which is arguably one of the most destructive crops on earth in terms of deforestation and the Theresa May’king Spirits Bright Christmas sweater loss of biodiversity. Plant edible plants and trees in parks, wooded areas, roadsides.
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