food was meant to be eaten as it grew originally. It's only the The Lion King sweater greed of society that fuels maybe we will have to go back to growing our own ..cheaper healthier and you know where it's come fromI've always thought a big part of it is now that we understand allergies better, people are living long enough to have kids and pass the trait along. For example, how many kids historically "choked on a peanut" with no one realizing it was anaphylaxis? Due to medication, people survive to adults with the allergy, then pass it on to their children.

I listened to something on the radio that explained it this way maybe person in particular children spend more and more time indoors not exposed to elements just dust mites....also same goes with overexposure to processed foods and additives I take the The Lion King sweater point about chemicals in food, and yet ...I was born in 1958 and distinctly remember eating things like fish fingers, sausages, and gammon steaks for tea - all processed foods. I was also a finicky eater with a particular loathing for green vegetables, but loved crisps and cheese and probably ate far more of them that was good for me.

Yet the only allergy I've ever had is hayfever, which was very strong in my 20s and 30s but eased notably since the The Lion King sweater menopause. It sounds to me as if I should have had food allergies, but apart from the occasional problem with mussels, I haven't, and I'm not sure why. Metabolism? Naturally strong immunity? I genuinely don't know ... and few of my school friends had allergies either. Could glyphosate use in certain foods be increasing reactions, I think it is probable. Peanut farming uses glyphosate pesticides far more and could be cause for concern. Genetics anyone? We often inherit allergies.
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