It's called business, you destroy the competition. Shame the The Golden Girls Ain't Nothin' But A Christmas Party sweater is being used to shame people. Isn't this bullying an oppressed minority? The lass is polished I'm sure they were oppressed pretty bad. The problem here's not about race but, the so-called black Instagram influencers are not happy that other races are taking the money which should have been theirs I'm afraid this is has been going on for the last 30.40 years and only because of the far leftist ideology pc world, everything has to be about race and religion and worst of all people being offended at the slightest thing...

Let her be whatever she wants some men want to be women and some women want to men. That is fine so should be fine for her too. This woman is absolutely beautiful. So what. If it's unintentional like she says then what's the The Golden Girls Ain't Nothin' But A Christmas Party sweater harm to you? Sounds like people were mad they aren't getting endorsements because of prettier women. I am not sure what the big deal is??? They may in a way be breaking down these walls that divide us based on skin color...

All very strange. If we are to go with their narrative black some black people. The The Golden Girls Ain't Nothin' But A Christmas Party sweater to look more Caucasian in order to fit in because black people are repressed. Some white people try to look black but aren't allowed because only black people have had their ancestors repressed. Surely this should be seen as a breakthrough that blah k people obviously aren't disadvantaged anymore so much so that white people want to be them
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