Dear godfathers are there no end to the Stitch Grumpy but lovable shirt bunker protection. We are the laughing stock of the whole world a PM & government so self-obsessed that they have totally forgotten about all the other issues on which a government should act.

And I cannot forgive her for the Stitch Grumpy but lovable shirt damage she has done. no not for every only your top 10% rich pals plus 48% voted to remain the margin was so small it should have been ignoring not acted on plus the pro and con off staying and leaving were not spelled out more clearly Nothing has changed!

Just accept the Stitch Grumpy but lovable shirt need for a customs union and stop farting about with the economic suicide merchants who want 'out-out'! If only she could have reached out to a cross-party alliance all this dithering to appease the extremists within her own party could have easily been avoided!
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