People have to spend their income on rent and utilities, as the rich get richer the Seagulls stop it now shirt get poorer Even to the big British life is not easy oh god African cry British the same thing the world were are is going European also American Russian design. And we thought the banks run on our amounts of money.

Deliberately they changed housing benefits so they pay what they think your rent should be, not what it actually is to the Seagulls stop it now shirt, not the landlord, then deduct bedroom tax and tell the claimant they have to magic up the rest from somewhere this is the result of that. Tell me where it's not a record high? This is what happens when you create money out of literally thin air!

And when a country goes bankrupt these banks come in and bail a whole freaking country out.
When you once started to think it's hard to stop. Cause then you have rethink every freaking thing! It’s their own fault! This may seem harsh but blaming everything else on the Seagulls stop it now shirt will make it worse. We’re all responsible for ourselves.
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