Whether a postponement of the Santa Claus riding shark believe Christmas ugly sweater tax will be enough remains to be seen. I have not seen any information, however, to suggest that Macron and his government have replaced all their vehicles by electric or hybrid ones, replaced all heating in their buildings with the heat exchanger systems that he wants all the population to go over to. Any travel advisories to France from western countries? When third world countries going through riots they do within no time just curious.

We present this humanitarian message on behalf of the Santa Claus riding shark believe Christmas ugly sweater refugees in Turkey to the officials of the international community and human rights organizations in the world. We convey our suffering, waiting and neglect for many years without a tangible result, and the loss of the future of our children and our families without a homeland that allows us to live in dignity.

we suffer a tragedy that the international community must be aware of we fled from our country due to the threat and persecution we have faced in our country at the Santa Claus riding shark believe Christmas ugly sweater hands of terrorism and the illegal armed groups waiting for us to return to a country where there is no protection and no safety. we registered as asylums in turkey but we met a more difficult situation where hard waiting for an unknown future. we ask you to submit our voice for appropriate we face.
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