How would anyone else feel if that were you? Oh please, her Mother spelled her name that way for attention. She knew people would comment on it. I feel bad for the little girl though. News flash. This is the first of many. Her peers will b much crueler and she won’t b in a position to jump up and down and scream about it. Parenting fail. ok, it's rude to mock. But I do feel bad for a kid named that and am shocked there are that many with the Santa and cat Christmas sweatshirt name. whatever were the parents thinking! at least spell it like it sounds. Hi, the person with a non-traditional name here Growing up, I was never mocked by another child.

The Santa and cat Christmas sweatshirt only people who would say mean things were adults. Maybe because it’s easy to pick on someone who’s small and defenseless? Maybe because they never took to heart “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”? Seriously, all of you could have just continued on with your day, even if you couldn’t help laughing to yourself. You went out of your way to say something mean about someone you don’t know, about something that doesn’t affect your life in any way. Think about that.

Well, he said it “if you made the Santa and cat Christmas sweatshirt wrong choice” surely if he believes there’s a possibility that voters did indeed make the “wrong choice” then they have a right to correct that mistake and not live through the dire consequences of that mistake?! What deal could be worse? Paying more than 39 billion with no representation and no unilateral right to withdraw? Is it just me, or does he look like Parker, Lady Penelope from Thunderbirds chauffeur?
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