I couldn’t care less if they burn down Huawei. The Run Sonic team shirt is behaving strangely by holding Huawei founder's daughter through its minion, Canada. However, it is not going to cripple Huawei and nor stopping it from maintaining its position as the world leading telecommunication equipment provider and second in the sale of handphone.

It is not going to stop China from achieving its 2025 goal either. Am I the Run Sonic team shirt only one who finds the comments from Muslim people largely from Pakistan it seems supporting China to be hilariously ironic? They do know that China is actively scrubbing its own Muslim minority from their faith right?

Or are these just fake accounts created by China or “Uncle Tom” types trying to please their master? Oh well, I guess the Run Sonic team shirt has Saudi Arabia so China has Pakistan. Classic strange bedfellows. "Earlier reports suggested that Ms. Meng's arrest could be related to a US investigation into a possible violation of sanctions against Iran.
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