Labour doesn't have a clear vision and at times seems to alter their stance but the question I am asking who do the Roman Reigns Christmas Tree sweater labor party represents? the party or the people? Can I suggest that we don't have another general election until there's a group of would-be politicians who are capable of running the country are standing? None of the current lot, of any political color, on either side of the argument, have showered themselves in glory over the issue of Brexit. If the deal is voted out the electorate will never forgive the Tories for their inability to represent the people.

Everyone wants an end to Brexit, they are heartily sick of it. The deal delivers in some key areas. Those intending voting against the Roman Reigns Christmas Tree sweater deal is continuing to take away resources from the job of making domestic policies. It will spell the end of Conservatism for a generation which is a good thing as we can then have a Government with compassion for people rather than for Corporations and high earners. I'm fed up with all sides of the house to be quite honest, where have all the real politicians gone, instead of these point scoring, petty argument making, self-aggrandizing, headline-grabbing, excuses for policymakers, including the backbenchers.

Bring back the real debaters and decision-makers on all sides and let us have a proper parliament again, instead of the poor excuse we have today's not the Roman Reigns Christmas Tree sweater right time to be even thinking about it one of the most important times for the country and he thinks now is a good time. country or personal you judge one knows what they're doing and reverse all this madness so we can go back to petty name-calling in parliament. And what good will that do?
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