I love living in a free country This is our cultural land if you don’t like it move to Saudi Arabia or walk to Pakistan which we gave to Islam to live in peace. Still, this is crazy his a free man he can say what the Pikachu And Toothless Shirt line about Hindu religion and that’s ok, he should not be punished for it, it never was this way now all the crazy religious nuts are becoming very extremist!

Freedom of speech does not mean that you will misuse it for hurting someone's sentiments. We don't need east or west to teach us democracy. India is the Pikachu And Toothless Shirt largest and most popular democracy. Ironically he is one of those rabid right-wingers blabbing about culture and nationalism and patriotism all the time and advocating severe punishments against anyone not falling into that "patriot" category.

If only people care enough and read the Pikachu And Toothless Shirt article before commenting, it appears that he made silly comments under Political tutelage of the opposition politician, or else why would anyone have the problem with erotic structures.
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