That can't be accepted. I wish Britain would just let go of Northern Ireland. Aren't they more trouble than they are worth over there? Isn't it just vanity that keeps them in the Owen Wilson Wow Christmas sweater union? What a total tool! He basically said that anyone who voted for May is simply a mercenary.

I'm sure that everyone's noticed. Arrogant, we knew contemptuous, we've just seen and stupid to boot. the Owen Wilson Wow Christmas sweater apparently. He thinks those he disparaged won't remember? I agree, she needs to resign.

She called a general election and lost her majority, she’s had a handful of MP’s resign including two of her Brexit secretaries. After over 2 years of negotiating with the Owen Wilson Wow Christmas sweater, her Brexit deal is a shambles that has no chance of winning the House vote, as she has delayed the vote on her Brexit deal.
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