Councils are best placed to help but see no money coming from homeless and they don't like that homeless people are not middle class or cultured enough. And crikey, they often smoke so councils see them as inhuman too. Judge towns and cities on how they treat the My Patronus is a Niffler shirt and not on how many posh high-rise executive apartments they approve

With all the money given by this government to foreign aid - it's deplorable that people are homeless in this country. I want my government, who work for me, to make the elimination of homeless people a top priority, starting today. Bugger yer Brexit, bollocks to yer paying off the My Patronus is a Niffler shirt, forget the defense budget.

Get these people some help. What they don’t tell you though is that the My Patronus is a Niffler shirt of them are Eastern European. They’ve come here to a promise of a free house and benefits, and have the shock of their lives when they haven’t immediately received it. this should not be happening in Great Britain today!!
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