A simple explanation of the Lion King remember who you are sweater difference between natural climate change and what's been happening in the last 100 years, and why they aren't remotely the same thing: Milankovitch and his boys say different. The scientist knows this is part of the equation as well as other things.

No doubt we need to move away from carbon emotion and pollution of our beautiful planet, but let's not over exaggerate things. The Lion King remember who you are sweater big money in carbon credits. I mean a whole new market of trade. As well as taxes and fees galore.

My mums is now a cyborg never once mentioned Joey the Lion King remember who you are sweater budgie before or that there are two suns..one at that end of the street and one at that end and it only rains in the neighbors garden. Because there's no evidence that there is anything catastrophic going on with the climate and not much we can do about it if there is.
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