To his very last days, Dad’s life was instructive. As he aged, he taught us how to grow old with dignity, humor, and kindness – and, when the It's Not Christmas until You See Hans Gruber Fall From Nakatomi Tower sweater finally called, how to meet Him with courage and with joy in the promise of what lies ahead. But did you people see trump? I mean his face and his looks? It was so awful and horrendous. One would not dare look at him twice!

You cannot celebrate a war criminal and not be called out for it. No matter how you arrange the It's Not Christmas until You See Hans Gruber Fall From Nakatomi Tower sweater flowers around their casket! When Bush spoke of his father's decency, sincerity and kind soul, you know trumps panties bunched up just a bit more... Interesting to know that he narrowly escaped being beheaded and eaten by Japanese soldiers when he was shot down over the Pacific.

His wingman though was slaughtered by the It's Not Christmas until You See Hans Gruber Fall From Nakatomi Tower sweater, who then had surgeons cut out their livers and thigh muscles and then prepare the meat for Japanese officers. The best Presidents are these two Bushes who safeguarded the world from Islamic terrorism. The war in the Middle East liberated Kuwait and toppled Saddam Hussein from power.
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