Only to those who still want to leave, if a majority now want to remain, in which not having the referendum also damages the I'm not short i'm Eeyore size shirt integrity of our democracy It’s not a matter of “best of” n votes. It’s a matter of electoral finance fraud.

it’s a matter of having Cambridge Analytica target voters with distortions and lies. It’s a matter of Russian troll farms influencing the I'm not short i'm Eeyore size shirt outcome, and it’s a matter of now having all the facts. That might seriously alter the outcome.

We need to recognize that and act accordingly. Best of 3 my arse. Well, we had two put back to us in Ireland after there were clarifications and all the I'm not short i'm Eeyore size shirt concessions we were gaining under The Nice and The Lisbon Treaty. It’s quite simple & painless go for it, Theresa!
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