You’ve taken what could have been an amazing series with a new female and made it into a preachy, pontificating, politically correct whinge fest. It’s not even clever messaging. It’s like The I will speak for you I will fight for you I will advocate for you Mama Bear sweatshirt newspaper in sci-fi format.

Utter crap. I stopped watching just after Matt Smith left. The writing declined dramatically. I really hope they don’t mess up Sherlock like they’ve messed up Doctor Who. She’s alright as the doctor but I think the I will speak for you I will fight for you I will advocate for you Mama Bear sweatshirt bad scripts are letting her down, the first season I haven’t watched all the way through because it’s just not interesting Good.

It'll give them time to work out that we don't want to be preached at, we want to be entertained. Fire the student Union writers and take a leaf from actually good sci-fi shows like The Expanse and Altered Carbon. She has the I will speak for you I will fight for you I will advocate for you Mama Bear sweatshirt potential to be a good doctor but the script was terrible.
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