It never looked likely it was them but now everyone knows everything about them, well-done press...again If so, why did some members of press decide to name photos of them in today’s newspapers while they themselves enjoy anonymity because they are part of the I just want to drink wine love my fireman and take naps shirt? Anyone with a brain knows no ordinary drone flies for so long.

Unless it his military grade. Definitely, something else going on. This is terrible if you were’not sure why did you. Give the I just want to drink wine love my fireman and take naps shirt and pictures to the newspapers even the neighbors were saying they are very nice people.

I feel so sorry for the I just want to drink wine love my fireman and take naps shirt who has been incorrectly named and shamed. Really appalling for their names and photographs to be released. I hope there are no repercussions for them and they receive adequate apologies. Guilty until proven innocent. Media and jury; why let facts get in the way of a good story?.
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