All this is happening as a result of artificial planing of the Hot Willie Nelson I willie love Christmas sweatshirt climate on greenhouse effect, America please withdraw your self from things that will devastate the environment like this , this is winter period why California experience this in the season during winter or summer things like this don't just occur except the tactical ice cap is melting, if not the water level does not increase in this season.

Please tell me who were the ones that gave the Hot Willie Nelson I willie love Christmas sweatshirt the weapons needed to commit their war crimes in Yemen! Who were the ones responsible too for the use of cluster bombs and the weapon of starvation/famine against children?

I've seen close to nothing from the Hot Willie Nelson I willie love Christmas sweatshirt concerning the war on the Arabian Peninsula until the killing of Khashoggi. The British and American people are not to blame. Some of their leaders sell licenses to kill at will. Assad could have been the best friend of western leaders. If only he'd bought American and for instance British weapons.
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