Will the 1922 committee be brave enough to publish the Home Malone Post Malone Ugly Christmas Sweater names of the 117 cowardly members of the Conservative party who voted against their own leader so that the people can have a say if they really do “speak for them” at the next election?

Stop playing politics you spineless cowards and get Brexit done. A bad deal is an easier route out of Europe than no deal, just get on with it! The Home Malone Post Malone Ugly Christmas Sweater country needs to know who the 37% are who are trying to block the result of the plebiscite.

They are not democrats; they are self-serving, publicly funded politicos who believe they have the divine right to overrule the will of the Home Malone Post Malone Ugly Christmas Sweater population I respect Theresa May as an honorable woman and very hard worker.
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