However, the fact that there is no male equivalent within the Happy holidays to everyone except Christina Christmas sweater is evidence of institutional misogyny. Nowhere in the Bible does it say a person can marry Jesus. The Bible is very clear that marriage can only be defined as a life-long covenant between one man and one woman.

It's great if you are devoted to Jesus but don't call that a marriage. France has the Happy holidays to everyone except Christina Christmas sweater highest social spending in the world by far, and these lots are rioting for an increase... With a tanking economy? They're now affecting tourism income? So much for Macron trying to lure Londons businesses post Brexit.

It's only by protesting loud and clear that anything gets done when governments act in the Happy holidays to everyone except Christina Christmas sweater interests of the rich and big corporations rather than the people who elected them and pay their salaries. Demanding an increased pension and an earlier age to claim retirement to collect it. That'll work, burn the candle at both ends.
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