For someone who claims to follow Him, this is a horrendously cruel and uncaring thing to have done to people already suffering from the Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Menards shirt worst of losses. I hope Father LaCuesta is thoroughly ashamed of himself.

He was just stating what his religion teaches. Christian faith doesn't believe in suicide. It's a sin akin to murder, where they believe anyone that does it, doesn't go to heaven. I am sorry but as the Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Menards shirt article states ‘Catholicism has traditionally taught that suicide is unforgivable.

I agree it is unfortunate that he felt the Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Menards shirt need to reiterate it at the funeral - but if you are a Catholic this is Catholicism 101. Compassion is a beautiful feeling. It's not about being right in these moments. But being kind to people. Who can for sure say that s/he will enter Heaven?
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