This is so incredibly sad but at the same time so wonderful! I’m glad that there are still loads of thoughtful and kind people around. Little act of kindness goes a long way Oh my.. what an amazing gesture by this royal mail member of staff. As someone who lost my dad as a child, I can honestly say you have most certainly made a positive impact on this young lads life. Good on all of you. Our government is ignoring climate change because there are more political donations to be had from coal. Keep the Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Spar shirt pressure on your parents as well when election time comes around.

Every Australian I know is so so proud of all these students. .they reflect this beautiful country & its values.this criminal government of self-serving fools does not. they make me ashamed...these young people make me celebrate! Not ours either. We didn't elect him. The Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Spar shirt fact this mob is on power at all belies the flaws in our system. Regardless, I'm very glad these kids are protesting. It is their future. We should all be concerned. These kids will take over one day, but can we just fire the old leaders and put the kids in charge now?

I say it's worth a shot. The Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Spar shirt people in charge now...shouldn't be. That a bad outcome on school children in Australia, at the same time it a bad outcome on climate change such as wildfire. They always said God was in their country, but from what happened is the hells of fire Climate change is real. Developed countries should help Developing countries by providing them with the best technology in order to minimize Pollution.
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