We need to turn to hemp for the Freddie Mercury we are the Champions kids sweatshirt majority of our logging needs. We need to invest in tidal/coastal energy, solar and wind, all renewable. We all need electric cars (made affordable) and all energy fuel giants to invest in charge points at every garage, hotel-motel and so on. It really shouldn’t be that hard to do as long as these high players and big rollers who own these industries instruct it to go ahead. That’s the problem, everybody all talks instead of action. They’re that retarded they think that they’ll lose money, yet if they’re the first they’ll be even wealthier than before.

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It’s the governments and companies which need to do this, we as individuals cannot slow the rate by eating less meat. The earth temp rise in inevitably, it’s happening whether we like it or not, we’re just speeding it up top punishing the Freddie Mercury we are the Champions kids sweatshirt and Western Europe and start taking a look at Asian and African countries. They don't do enough, but the liberal globalists tell us to stop using plastic straws Wow what a master swimming champion.

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if you want your children could see this monster alive please help to improve the Freddie Mercury we are the Champions kids sweatshirt situation, global warming thanks Denialists are terrorists, terrorists of very junior rank, but terrorists against the future. Their politicisation of science and collaboration with whichever groups are behind it is treason against every country on the planet. The people denying this are the same people who were probably found petrified in burning ash in the aftermath of Pompeii.
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