The region gets them fairly frequently, so surely there must have been some telltale signs that something was up beyond the faulty tech? That’s how a corrupt government works installing crap equipment and then blaming the crap equipment what happened to the Freddie Mercury Queen Mickey mouse shirt of that said equipment and upgrading it after the said use by dates explain that to all 800 families of those lost and where was your foreign aid that was donated to you

You would think a country that loses 200,000 people before by a tsunami would have the best underwater warning system ever made. Now we act surprised and hundreds of people have lost their lives because the Freddie Mercury Queen Mickey mouse shirt did not keep the Tsunami Warning Buoys working.

What happened to all the money the Freddie Mercury Queen Mickey mouse shirt has to give this poor excuse for a leader. Most likely in his own pocket. When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’.
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