Someone pass the Freddie Mercury Queen Christmas ugly sweater cake again. With an aging population and care homes bursting at the seams surely we should encourage people to “live fast die young” Healthy lifestyles are expensive ever tried to buy broccoli? So the money the government needed from this tax rise will now either be recovered from a different service or service reductions are imminent somewhere within their public sector careful with what you wish for France because you can’t have everything for nothing played so inevitable perhaps.

Their fuel is cheaper than ours fill up our motorhome regularly in Roscoff. Wonder what would feel about prices? French government surrendering again Funny. Well done to the protesters. Macron's policies are destroying your country. That's what happens when you vote a Liberal globalist into office. On the downside, I would expect it to get a lot worse for France. This should be a prime example of why not to stay in the Freddie Mercury Queen Christmas ugly sweater.

Common sense prevails. But why did the Freddie Mercury Queen Christmas ugly sweater rich people in govt not realize this sooner? So what can we do about the homeless, global warming, universal credit to name just a few things? With such low wages in France, I understand the reasoning. It was the far right and far left who made the riots, not the normal people of France who are struggling big time to make ends meet.
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