The headline is misleading. Given China's population, it is almost inevitable that it is labeled as the Easily distracted by Disney and Dogs shirt world's largest emitter of CO2. If we look at CO2 emission per capita, there are clearly many other countries that are bigger polluters. why didn't western countries realize global warming when they were still developing?

now they have become developed and are asking other developing countries to reduce the use of renewable energies that are crucial to development? I am no fan of Trump but, in a way, what he said IS true to paraphrase the Easily distracted by Disney and Dogs shirt great orator You know what's funny?

What's funny is an entire industry develops itself on certain parameters of functionality and monopolizes our infrastructure, essentially. Everything that we build revolves around cars. Transportation. Then, these same people that have monopolized our method of travel and, in doing, caused devastating injury to the Easily distracted by Disney and Dogs shirt planet.
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