US foreign policy sanctions are not law and cannot apply to any other country or company which deals with any sanctioned country, so in effect, the Easily distracted by Disney and cats shirt is trying to impose its will not only on Iran but any of Iran's trading partners.

It is about time to make the Easily distracted by Disney and cats shirt accountable for stealing our technology. They have been doing it for years and recently getting cocky about it! Wake up!!! yeah, good luck pronouncing my last name. People should just get over themselves and accept that sometimes its just hard to say it. Unless it's on purpose of course then it's quite rude.

But it doesn't take that much just to say hey it's this or that no need to make a big deal out of the Easily distracted by Disney and cats shirt or in fact this news story. I'm happy for people just to call me David if they wish or ill tell them how to say it if they want to.
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