How rich. You didn’t simply speak up under blind faith. the Dragonfly Whisper words of wisdom let it be shirt lied by coming out saying you had inside information when you didn’t. You had nothing That was a lie. I think it's a common mistake. One doesn't believe that someone one loves can do such a thing. But we know nothing about others. With 'friends' like her, who needs enemies? So simply because of getting backlash.

she retracts her former defense of her 'friend,' claims she'd lied for him when no one knows the Dragonfly Whisper words of wisdom let it be shirt truth of the allegations including herself. And how can she come out and say what she did, publicly, if she herself has been accused of molesting her own sister? Anyone got a comment from her sister yet, going by her sisterly love, I'd be scared less to be considered love as a brother by her.

It is so understandable why she would come to the Dragonfly Whisper words of wisdom let it be shirt brother's defense, love is blind sad that she used her influence to publish her loyalty of love. And sad that others cannot forgive this all too human reaction. Are the police so brain dead that they hide behind the delay in reporting rape as an excuse for doing nothing?
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